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Another Personality Test: Enneagram

I'm always interested in personality tests, mainly because when a lot of aspies do them, patterns start to emerge. I'm not entirely a believer in them but that doesn't make the patterns any less fascinating.

Anyway, here are my results from the Enneagram test.
There are a couple online.

In this test, I got equally 1 (Perfectionist) and 5 (Detachment). I've already noticed that a lot of aspies who do this test seem to score 5.

Main Type
Overall Self
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Enneagram Test Results

Type 1 Perfectionism

Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 3 Image

|||||||||||| 50%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 5 Detachment ||||||||||||||||||||

Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 7 Adventurousness

Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 46%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Your main type is


Your variant is self pres
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

In the other test I tried,

I scored 4 (The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type).

The second test isn't quite as good as the first.

In the end, there's a lot more detail about what each of the personality types means here;

Unfortunately, since I seem to be types 1, 4 and 5, it's a bit difficult for me to figure out exactly what kind of "beast" I am.


Lindsay said…
I just took it, and I also got a high score (90%) on 5 (Detached).

My second-highest was Calm, with 78%.
Shannon said…
I also got a 5 with sp/so/sx. Interesting...
Dragonella said…
I also got a 5 with sp/so/sx.... scary... I also took the other, but didn't understand the scoring...
Danni said…
I also got highest on 5 (86%).
My variant is also sp/so/sx.

On the second test, I scored highest on Type 5- the Thinker. I've always (since I first took it 7 years ago) got that result, so I guess it's pretty accurate.
Khelben said…
I got the following according to the test:

42% perfectionism
38% helpfullness
42% image focus
26% hypersensitivity
62% detachment
74% anxiety
34% adventurousness
54% aggressiveness
86% calmness

Main type: 9
Personality type: so/sp/sx (social)

(I take the test result with a grain of salt.. just as I should, I suppose. :))
Regina Terrae said…
Oh boy ... 90% type 5 (sp/so/sx). For some reason I don't identify with the formal diagnostic criteria for AS but I really identify with people's self-description. Whatever that means, I think I will learn a whole lot about living with who I am from you aspies. Don't at the moment feel the need for (or confidence in) a formal diagnosis.
Regina Terrae said…
oh, and 2nd highest 4, hypersensitive, with 62%. Sounds kinda aspie to me.
Damo said…
Type 1 90%
Type 2 46%
Type 3 42%
Type 4 50%
Type 5 86%
Type 6 50%
Type 7 62%
Type 8 54%
Type 9 34%

Definite trends associated with MBTI linking with the ISTJ.
Hope it helps you guys.
Amanda said…
i scored a 4 on both tests. (hypersensitive/artist.) my second highest score was a 5 (also on both).
Someone... said…
Ya, I think someone messed up on my diagnosis. I got 7
Anonymous said…
another 5 with sp/so/sx.
Anonymous said…
Eek! Just going through a process of self diagnosis at the moment and scored the same, 5 with sp/so/sx
Andreas said…
The Enneagram in my bread and butter!

The descriptions on this PDF are a quite weak, but the quick scoring guide is an excellent tool!
2 sets of 3 little paragraphs when crossed point fairly well.

I'm a type 7 sx/so/sp

An alternative scoring system would be, scoring the paragraphs from 5-0, then matching appropriately. Gives greater differentials.

Type Traditional My scoring
7 AX 6 9
9 BX 4 5
2 CX 5 7
8 AY 4 5
4 BY 2 1
6 CY 3 3
3 AZ 5 7
5 BZ 3 3
1 CZ 4 5
Kathryn (Kasey) said…
Type 5 (Detachment) 77% followed by Type 1 (Perfectionism) 67%
Variant is "Self Pres" --> sp/sx/so

Anonymous said…
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 54%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||| 30%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 38%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||| 22%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||| 34%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 38%

I have been diagnosed with Bipolar, Fibromyalgia and CFS. My Aspie friend reckons I am an Aspie, I am not convinced.
Astrid Solace said…
I got: Your main type is Type 6
Your variant stacking is sp/sx/so
Your level of health is very low, i.e. very unhealthy. That's true.
marcusBlog said…
This thread confirms my theory that Asperger's is a personality type, not a disease. The problem is with society, not us.
Does anyone else think it would be great to be a space explorer?
AV said…
The first test says my main type is 5. Four years ago I went through several sessions of hundreds of questions with my psychologist at the time, and the result was that I am a 5, a big 5. So I guess this test is pretty reliable :)
I'm now researching more about this personality type because I strongly suspect I might be autistic, I just relate too much...
Anonymous said…
I would encourage you to take your top three types and look at the core motivations, childhood messages to narrow them down. Also consider the 3 centers, head, heart,and gut. 8,9,1 types are the gut center which means you typically react vs thinking or feeling. 2,3,4 types are heart, which means you would use your emotions to determine decisions and/or reactions to the world. 5,6,7 types are thinking center, which means you would use thought processes, collect data, to make decisions or react to situations. Hope that helps. I am an enneagram coach and I came across this post because I am going to work with a client who has Aspbergers. I was looking for information to help me coach them in the enneagram. Thanks for posting your experience.
Ccoach said…
You can use other enneagram information to determine your type. The tests help narrow down your top three. Use the core motivations, childhood messages as well as the three centers. Head, gut, heart. 8,9,1 is the Gut center, using your instinctual reaction to make decisions or respond to relationships. The heart center numbers 2,3,4 and they use emotional thinking primarily to process the world. The head centers are 5,6,7 and they use thinking in order to collect information, process situations, and respond to decisions or people. I am an enneagram coach and I found this post because I will be working with a client on the spectrum and was wanting more insight as to how to encourage them with the enneagram. Thank you for posting.

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