Following on from Part One , I'm giving a potted outline of my life with particular relvance to aspergers. Sadly, since I can't directly refer to aspergers in them, I'm leaving out many of my more exciting and creative adventures; such as the time I built a bomb (aged 11) and nearly wiped out myself and my neighbour, being hit by a motorbike and some interesting adventures with Sharks... I didn't drop those hints simply to whet your appetite. I wanted to point out that a child's life can be quite dangerous and an aspie's even more so. Often we take more reckless risks, are alone (and unsupervised). We also tend to be be resourceful enough to get ourselves into a lot of trouble. Moving My life changed aged about twelve when I changed schools and my parents moved house. I started secondary school with a bunch of boys from my previous school but by the end of the year, I'd lost all my friends - and my faith in humanity. The reasons for this are already do...