Last time, I looked at a couple of small examples of how the future actions of aspies are often dictated by their emotional baggage and suggested that the long term memory and inability to let go could be root causes. This time, I want to look at how that emotional baggage transforms itself into rules and begins to take over our lives. The Leap from Memory to Rule If a piece of baggage affects you enough to be constantly in your memory, it soon begins to transform itself into aspie rules. Sometimes these rules are good but sometimes they're too restrictive. About 16 years ago, when I was only starting my second IT job, I made the mistake of forgetting to back up some address book data when wiping an employee's laptop computer. I did back up everything else but the address book data was in an unexpected location. Although the employee in question wasn't particularly senior, he complained to management and I was reprimanded. What he didn't realise was that I would stress