Names never seem to come easy to aspies. We're often introduced to someone and lose their name in less than five mintues. Often we don't feel comfortable using names and sometimes even hearing our own name in conversation makes us cringe. On the flip side, I'm sure that our friends, relatives and spouses are tired of being referenced using nicknames or being addressed simply as "hey you". Short Term Memory I think that part of the problem is the awful short term memory capabilities of the aspie. If we need a name to stick, we either have to repeat it a lot in the first few seconds or find a good association (eg: same name as my sister). Unfortunately, such associations are rare and most social situations don't allow for name repetition. The aspie is left in a position where forgetting is inevitable. Confusion over Names Aspies quickly get used to other people joking about names but often, although we know that something is funny, we don't always know why...