Building on the last few posts, we have determined that aspies have a few obvious needs; Alone Time Restricted Touch Routine Gentle Encouragement Love and Understanding Less Empathy, more solutions (mainly an aspie male thing) and that NT's have other needs; Conversation/Listening Affection Spontaneity and Fun Social Time Empathy Love There is also a different set of needs related to meltdowns but that's a whole different story, and I'll deal with it in a later set of posts. Many of the aspie needs have a corresponding opposite in the neurotypical world. There's no happy medium - and the compromises you make need to be dynamic with minor adjustments happing on a daily basis as your situations change. I'll try to cover the balances between these needs individually. Conversational Compromise It's no big secret that the answer to the conversational divide between aspie and neurotypical partners is compromise. The real trick is determining what compromises to make...