I'm always interested in personality tests, mainly because when a lot of aspies do them, patterns start to emerge. I'm not entirely a believer in them but that doesn't make the patterns any less fascinating.
Anyway, here are my results from the Enneagram test.
There are a couple online.
In this test, I got equally 1 (Perfectionist) and 5 (Detachment). I've already noticed that a lot of aspies who do this test seem to score 5.
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
In the other test I tried,
I scored 4 (The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type).
The second test isn't quite as good as the first.
In the end, there's a lot more detail about what each of the personality types means here;
Unfortunately, since I seem to be types 1, 4 and 5, it's a bit difficult for me to figure out exactly what kind of "beast" I am.
Anyway, here are my results from the Enneagram test.
There are a couple online.
In this test, I got equally 1 (Perfectionist) and 5 (Detachment). I've already noticed that a lot of aspies who do this test seem to score 5.
Main Type | Overall Self |
Enneagram Test Results
5 Your variant is self pres |
In the other test I tried,
I scored 4 (The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type).
The second test isn't quite as good as the first.
In the end, there's a lot more detail about what each of the personality types means here;
Unfortunately, since I seem to be types 1, 4 and 5, it's a bit difficult for me to figure out exactly what kind of "beast" I am.
My second-highest was Calm, with 78%.
My variant is also sp/so/sx.
On the second test, I scored highest on Type 5- the Thinker. I've always (since I first took it 7 years ago) got that result, so I guess it's pretty accurate.
42% perfectionism
38% helpfullness
42% image focus
26% hypersensitivity
62% detachment
74% anxiety
34% adventurousness
54% aggressiveness
86% calmness
Main type: 9
Personality type: so/sp/sx (social)
(I take the test result with a grain of salt.. just as I should, I suppose. :))
Type 2 46%
Type 3 42%
Type 4 50%
Type 5 86%
Type 6 50%
Type 7 62%
Type 8 54%
Type 9 34%
Definite trends associated with MBTI linking with the ISTJ.
Hope it helps you guys.
The descriptions on this PDF are a quite weak, but the quick scoring guide is an excellent tool!
2 sets of 3 little paragraphs when crossed point fairly well.
I'm a type 7 sx/so/sp
An alternative scoring system would be, scoring the paragraphs from 5-0, then matching appropriately. Gives greater differentials.
Type Traditional My scoring
7 AX 6 9
9 BX 4 5
2 CX 5 7
8 AY 4 5
4 BY 2 1
6 CY 3 3
3 AZ 5 7
5 BZ 3 3
1 CZ 4 5
Variant is "Self Pres" --> sp/sx/so
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||| 30%
Type 4 Hypersensitivity |||||||||| 38%
Type 5 Detachment |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||| 22%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||| 34%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||| 38%
I have been diagnosed with Bipolar, Fibromyalgia and CFS. My Aspie friend reckons I am an Aspie, I am not convinced.
Your variant stacking is sp/sx/so
Your level of health is very low, i.e. very unhealthy. That's true.
Does anyone else think it would be great to be a space explorer?
I'm now researching more about this personality type because I strongly suspect I might be autistic, I just relate too much...