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An online Asperger's Quiz

Wondering if you've got Asperger's, well, wonder no more...

I was directed to an online Aspie Quiz which is quite good.

I scored 161

The quiz is at

I had a look at the other scores and based on rough estimates, I'm in the top 15% of people with Aspergers. 100 is still aspergers, so 161 is reasonably high.


andromeda934 said…
Thank you for your wonderful blog, while I stumbled upon it after I took the Aspie quiz you mention, it has been a great source of being able to relate to someone else
Anonymous said…
I got 193(AS)and 10(NT).
Anonymous said…
Yes, very helpful quiz. I'm 178 of 200 for Asperger's and 43 of 200 for neurotypical. Not a surprising, as I have adequate social coping ability but I suffer for it a lot. I agree with andromeda934, that this quiz is a good way to relate what life with Asperger's is like, as we often have a real hard time verbalizing thoughts and feelings. Have your 'neurotypical' friends and family take the test to understand more!
Anonymous said…
I wanted to thank you for helping me cuferm what I thought. i scored a 162: 200 in aspie and a 47: 200 in neurotypical. It is vary hard to go around having no idle not knowing what is wrong with you and only geussing what it might be. you have made my life a lot better for the good and releved so of my stress.
Collin Jones said…
im 169 for aspie and 21 for NT

pretty much what i figured

im undiagnosed, but have all the symptoms.

im not sure i want to be diagnosed.
Anonymous said…
I consider this Asperger's quiz to be the most comprehensive I've found. And, no surprise with my results: 186/200 AS, 24/200 NT. What this means for me is that I am able to 'pass' as NT (I think so), but it is a torture most days to play the role as 'actor'. I am a 37 y/o Male, self-diagnosed about 2 years ago. I cannot help but wonder how my life would have turned out differently had I known about Asperger's at least as a teenager. What a loss.
Ritch said…

I realized reading some of the questions that I have taught myself a lot, especially as it comes to physical issues.

I found it difficult to answer some of the questions because I knew what the intention of the question but the question did not exactly fit for me. Oh, well...after studying the subject of Aspergers and autism, a person can tell if the diagnosis fits or not. I think most Aspies have had that eureka moment.

Anonymous said…
172 asp
14 nt
maddie said…
my parents think i have aspergers but have not been tested my orignal digonisis was add/adhd but my parents think its more then that i was just wondering why its so hard to get a correct digonsis i have been taking the aspergers quizes and have gotten 33-34 35 on one of the quizes took it a couple times that righ there has to tell you its more then add/adhd i know the quizes are not ment to digonsis
Gavin Bollard said…
It's quite common for an ADHD diagnosis to precede an Aspergers one. The ADHD behaviour is much more noticeable.

It's also common for some childen to be diagnosed on the basis of a quiz (filled out about the child by several people, parents, teachers, doctor etc).
maddie said…
so in a way the quizes are a digonsis tool i have been taking quiz after quiz have gotten all different scores and have been doing tons of research on aspergers but i want to get perfessionaly told i do just so we finally know and can deal with it
Anonymous said…
Here's my advice for everyone.

If you have a good job and are leading a successful life, then stop looking for a diagnosis. I find it fascinating how often people turn to psychology to validate their existence. They want to be different. They want to feel special and they want attention.

This is a disability. It's not something you should wish on yourself.

This is almost as bad as people self-diagnosing bi-polar disorder; which I find to be extremely annoying. Some people wear it like a badge.

Well, if you want to be crazy, then fine. You'll be treated like a crazy.

I personally do not enjoy Asperger's and it has destroyed my life many times over.

By the way, many of the questions on the quiz were bogus. For example, it is normal for people to have songs stuck in their heads. I don't see the relevancy for many of the quiz items.

My score was 185/28. I would suggest to anyone who is leading a normal life and scoring highly on this quiz to reevaluate their intentions for seeking a diagnosis. You cannot possibly score off the charts on this quiz and still claim a normal life.

However, I will say anyone with AS should be able to reduce their quiz score with proper help. That is to say someone with a severe case of AS can actually score quite low on the quiz, if they have been receiving counseling for a great many years.
Audra said…
When I first took the quiz, I wondered about some of the "normal" questions too, like the song stuck in your head thing. But I think what it comes to is, does it inhibit your lifestyle?

I don't plan to "wear it like a badge" but it will very much help me explain myself when, for example, my family thinks I'm being lazy or crazy for thinking or doing things the way I do.

When I get a song in my head, it's not so much the whole song as it is one or two parts that repeat themselves over and over. This is often accompanied by head bobbing to match not only rhythm but specific consonant sounds, and sometimes my eyes blink harder than normal on those sounds as the song parts play.

I'm pretty sure not everyone does that.

After I took the quiz, I asked a few other people to take it, not telling them what exactly the quiz was for. (I did, however, ask them to think of these as serious questions, and to be perfectly honest about if anything inhibited them in any way, and they complied by talking through the questions with me.) They scored much, much lower than my 174.

I think the conclusion is that Asperger's (or any other condition, for that matter) is harder for some than for others. For me, I am extremely happy to have a name for what I have been going through my whole life. Yes, perhaps the symptoms and things may be diminished with therapies and such, but when you're on the low financial end and you have to deal with it daily, it is wonderful to have a name and something to reference.
tess said…
i agree with the above. i have have had on going issues my entire life, and now at the age of 21 i have gone through a period of trying to work out who i am and why i behave the way i do, so i am seeing a specialist and i have found comfort in doing alot of research on asbergers. i dont want to label myself, i just want peace of mind, getting a diagnosis is going to lift years of confusion and hurt off my shoulders. knowing whats the cause to my issues may not cure them, but if its going to make me feel better about myself, then why not?
Naiara Brito said…
Well, first of all, congratulations for the blog. It's beyond amazing.

As for the test, I've already knew about it. It's a good and quite complete test. I've done it a fem times already, and is always the same: "You are very likely an Aspie". Last score of mine was 146 for Aspie and 61 for NT.

When I first heard about Aspergers, i felt something different. Then I looked for more information and I realized I had a lot of the symptomps. The problem is that where I live, a remote part of Northeastern Brazil, nobody even knows Aspies exist (in fact, they barely know about Autism). Even my psychologist didn't knew about it. So that, even a decent diagnosis for me is complicated; I just "diagosed myself" based on what I saw in internet, and I get upset thinking I might be wrong but I can't even know the right answer.

Your blog popped as a light here for me, and I the more I know about Aspies, the more I feel I'm one. I'm a girl and I just turned 18 now (what I think just makes things worse), and there's no long time I found out about Aspies. Until now, I just thought of myself (and so did and do a lot of people) as just "weird" or very different from the others. Now I think I've finally found what makes me be the way I am and I'll just figure out how to deal with it. I just wanted to say thank you, because your blog is really interesting, and clear and is helping me very much.

Thank you and keep going with it.
Anonymous said…
I was 178 (AS) / 28 (NT). Im 26 (female) and have always felt "weird". It is a relief to know Im not just weird, but theres a cause, and more people actually understand. I think I do pass as "normal" (weirdish normal) but it is hard to say the least.
I had been diagnosed as a bipolar before, and of course been called eccentric a million times.
Anonymous said…
What does a score of 122 (AS) and 89 (NT) mean?
Gavin Bollard said…
I think that 122 (AS) and 89 (NT) means that you're neurotypical (not aspergers).
Earthy Mama said…
I scored 133 AS and 82 NT. It says I am very likely an Aspie.

(as a child, I tested as Gifted & Talented)

I have never been diagnosed with Aspergers, but as a teen I was diagnosed with ADHD, OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Bipolar 2. Oh and Polysubstance Abuse.

Now, I cannot see HOW I can have all of those disorders at once. It just doesn't make any sense.

I had a horrendous time trying to get my family to understand me. My mom was very verbally abusive which caused me to have a severe rage problem. I just started throwing things at her to get my point across. That behavior has continued into adulthood.

During my teen years I had a horrible time trying to fit in socially. I found my niche in the avante guarde gay art and club kid scene. I used to frequent gay bars and raves. My parents threw me out of the house when I was 18 and I spent some time living on the streets. I was addicted to crystal meth. I was raped and experienced numerous rejections and betrayals by my peers (including being set up to be raped by a male "friend")

I went to live with my grandparents at 21 where I began my (long) recovery. Working a Starbucks job seemed to help ward away depression. When I did return to school I did very well. Straight A's, but I had to focus on that exclusively and had no social life.

I am 31 and when I met my husband I got completely obsessed with him to the point where I couldn't function in my daily life. Luckily he loves me and wanted to be with me despite my craziness, but he also had tremendous difficulty understanding me and my mood swings. I have had problems dealing with my anger and emotions and have become violent before. He has helped me tremendously through being very firm with me and the violence and rage attacks (towards him) have stopped.

Right now, I am a stay at home mom and I do a great job with my son. He is almost 3 years old, potty trained but still breastfeeding. I am socially phobic. Tried joining mommy groups but was backstabbed too many times. Eye contact makes me terribly nervous. People always misunderstand what I am saying and assume bad things about me. I am a health fanatic... we are vegetarian and I am health obsessed. I talk about health topics constantly. When I decide on something we need I will obsess about it until the obsession dies. Drives my husband crazy. I went on a raw food kick and was completely obsessed to where I stopped cooking for the family. Not good. I have numerous food sensitivites and am desparately trying to cure myself with diet.

I hate looking people in the eye it drives me crazy I don't/can't do it. I think people are suspicious of me because of this. I stutter like crazy if I am nervous, I talk too loudly (my husband always tells me to lower my voice), or I just talk and talk and talk to where others can't get a word in edgewise.

Whether or not I have Aspergers, who knows? I absolutely refuse to take psychiatric drugs (other than clonazepam) as they are poison and always make me feel worse not better.

I would love to hear your thoughts!

PS. My father recently died from his drug addiction. 2006. After reading up on Aspergers, I am almost sure he had some form of Autism. He was diagnosed with Major Anxiety Disorder.
Unknown said…
I took this quiz a couple years ago when someone first told me I was likely an Aspie (and didn't buy into it) and just recently in August.

2 years ago I scored 166 AS and 37 NT, and recently 164 and 28. I really wanted to see if my growing understanding of my own issues would change the results or not.
Anonymous said…
I recieved a score of 106/103 what does that mean ???
Anonymous said…
I received 105/127 can anyone explain what the results mean in more depth?
Gotehagetanks said…
I scored 152/45 (Or something simmilar). Guess I do have Asperger's, but I don't suffer from it at all.
Anonymous said…
I got "you have answered inconsistently on too many control questions" and no score calculated. What the hell does that mean?
Unknown said…
189/200 (Aspie score) & 15/200 (NT)

Ok. First off, I apologize for the long novel, but as someone with Asperger's, verbal communication is not my gig. Instead, I find it much easier to write it all down. So, I'm really glad I took this test. Now what? I really need some help trying to cope with this condition as I am a single mother with 2 teenagers, trying my hardest to provide a normal life for them as well as for myself, but it hasn't been easy. Seriously. Thank God my kids love me, but I'm totally miserable and stressed out to no end trying to figure out how to live in a world that just doesn't understand me--and vice versa. I have been struggling DAILY trying to "fit in" the social norm. It's really difficult in my work environment as well in that it is a very conservative atmosphere where everybody is supposed to act "perfect" but I'm the square peg amongst a bunch of round holes. Nobody gets me and I can't seem to understand anyone or anything for that matter. I feel totally inadequate--like an alien trying to figure out how to coexist in a world saturated with an entirely different species. To make matters worse, I am an IT Training Consultant which means that I have to train others in front of a class as well as attend regular meetings with subject matter experts to discuss training needs. Since communication is critical in my line of work, I need all the advice I can get--or find another career opportunity!For years, I have had people tell me that I needed to "get out more" and "try to make friends". I have even heard people say that they "feel sorry for me" because I can't make friends. This has made me feel even more inadequate and "strange". People also tell me that I am: immature, hyper, sensitive, naive, serious, withdrawn, cold-hearted, moody, and argumentative. They also say that I talk too fast, fiddle too much, say things that are inappropriate, say things that don't make sense, digress and ramble too much, giggle too much, twirl my hair all the time, have weird habits (OCD and rocking), repeat things, bla, bla, bla...As a result, my self confidence has deteriorated and I have become even more withdrawn and "paranoid" because I am abnormal. Does any of this make sense? Sometimes, my mind literally goes blank and I can't find the right words to say in social situations. When this happens, I feel so stupid and humiliated! I hate living like this!!! Every single day is a constant struggle for me to find ways to convince others that I am able to "fit in" and adapt to their ways. But it is rather exhausting and frustrating because I can't be my REAL self and I have to put in a concerted effort to "fake it" and painstakenly try to figure people out. After a while, I just have to take a break from it all and isolate myself because I become overwhelmed trying to understand others and trying to "fit in" this confusing world. It really is tiring. Sometimes, I sleep for days at a time and still feel like I have never fully recovered. Because of this, keeping a steady job that I enjoy has been very difficult. This constant inablitiy to comprehend and decifer the actions and intentions of others as well as figuring out how to relate with society as a normal human being has completely drained me. I really need advice on how to live a normal life with Asperger's because I can't continue living like this. I am so tired and worn out. Any suggestions?
Gavin Bollard said…
@Peanut I can see where you're coming from but you really need to re-read your post and have a think about what you're saying.

The person who is in charge of your personal happiness (or otherwise) is you.

You're the one forcing yourself (the square peg) into the round hole. Nobody else is "making you" do this.

It's obvious that you will never fit in regardless of how hard you try. You ARE different. Like all people with aspergers, you have peculiarities and like ALL people everywhere, you are also an individual.

Stop trying to be someone or something that you're not and learn to love yourself for who you are.

You'll need to do things to boost your self esteem but hopefully one day you'll no longer be concerned about what others think of you.

You're better than this.

Let go of who you think people want you to be and just be yourself. Others can either accept or reject it - and at least then you'll know who cares about you and who doesn't.

Pretending is very hard work and it's depressing too.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting the link to the quiz. 159/48.
I guess knowing why social situations of any kind completely freak me out is welcome. I fail miserably at sticking with normal and gave up a long time ago. It's much better not to get involved with normal people- for me anyway.
Anonymous said…
@Peanut. You are not alone. I also was a single parent of teens working as an IT trainer and change manager. Looking back from my recent Aspie diagnosis, I realise that I just bulldozed my way through my career pretty unaware of my impact. But I found that project work was better for me - the thought of working for same organisation year after year was too depressing. At least new people every 6 months or so meant that if I 'burnt out' colleagues, I could move on. I also found that my specific skill was simplifying the material for participants to make learning easier rather than being a great people person. My special interest was investment so that I could retire early and not have to deal with people every day. I have arrived at that point and absolutely love my life on my 20acre property studying for my masters and then PhD with no-one dictating to me. My suggestion is that you find a special interest and let that become your focus and give you a sense of pride in yourself so that the things that are difficult fade somewhat into the background. Remember that some of life's greates discoveries have come from Aspies.
excellent quiz. i used to think i was a freak and was very ashamed of pacing and flapping my fingers, although i only do it in the privacy of my own house. also, it was very confusing to me when people talked to me and suddenly i didn't understand what they were saying...
i've seen people way below average intelligence level who didn't have problems with the things i struggled with.
one should be told he has asperger as soon as possible, age four or three, i think. it helps a lot with self esteem, makes sense of the problems and is very reassuring.
lynnsdecor said…
When my daughter was 2, I swore that she had autism. I got her tested and they said she was borderline. (she basically scored a few point from having the diagnosis) Well, I took matters into my own hands and studied everything I could about the therapies people use for autism. I worked with her myself. But in learning about her..I've learned about myself. Everything she does, is something I did as a kid too. I remember every report card that came home said, "Michelle is a good student, she just needs to pay attention more in class".
I just took this quiz and scored 165 on the Aspie and 55 on the NT.
This explains alot. TY!
Anonymous said…
my son has a diagnosis of aspergers, and i took the quiz out of curiosity. i scored higher on the aspie scale than the "normal". the more i read and learn about it though, the more it seems to me that the spectrum is the human condition. we are all on it! who hasn't freaked out in a loud, crowded supermarket?
Anonymous said…
Sigh, I was recently reminded of Mary McDonnell's role in Grey's Anatomy as a talented doctor with Aspergers that led me to this whole shebang. When I saw her in the show again, I thought I saw part of myself and true enough, I am probably an Aspie! 136 for Aspie Score and 85 for NT. That kind of explains why I always feel different from other people....ah...what a revelation!
Anonymous said…
It's hard to get a conclusive answer
with quizzes, because, whether or not you do have AS, you'll know which questions to answer to improve the likelihood of your answer. Unless you have high AS and are unable to understand the ideas brought up in these questions.

Coming from a large number of siblings, and having extreme difficulties in social environment,gives me both ranges of correct answers, to each group; NT and AS

But my results ended in 139/37, as I created social rules from watching my family members communicate with others i knew the NT answers, as well as AS ones.

So, as a result, this quiz is mainly for people with high AS, as people with mild AS could answer the wrong, or right, questions, and receive a low result, if they're able to cope with their AS.

Fnctioning as a NT is a possibility for mild cases of AS, i've seen 2 of my friends do it, not very convincingly, and another case.
Anonymous said…
I took the quiz as well and got 161/43 but as someone else said I know what to say in a social situation due to observation and practice. My father pounded normality into me against my will and I can function in society just prefer not to.
I read a blog that said the author was ok one on one with people but more than one she got drained and lost. I am the same way.
I can understand motivations of people and facial expressions but not when I am part of the conversation. I have to be separate and isolated for some strange reason.
My question is this. Now that I am diagnosed, even though it is a self-diagnoses and my wife completely agrees with me, what do I do?
I have little interest in getting officially diagnosed due to my dislike and distrust of the mental health field. I have had numerous dealings with psychiatrists, psychologists and psychopaths. I tend to prefer the psychopaths. They tend to be easier to deal with.
So, where do I go from here.
Gavin Bollard said…

Where do you go from here?

Use the diagnosis to help you to better understand yourself and your motivations. Understand the weaknesses that Aspergers presents you with and find ways to overcome or go around them. In particular, make allowances for potential relationship hazards by compensating. For example, I know that sometimes(?) I get obsessed with my special interests and just want to talk about them. Knowing that it's a particular problem of mine makes me more aware of it and helps me to avoid starting a "boring" conversation with my wife and friends.

Since I've had a lot of misunderstandings in the past, I have a lot of memories which are sad to me. I guess that over the years I've hated myself for those memories and this hurts my self-esteem. Now however, I can see the role that Aspergers played in my reactions and by understanding myself, I feel less hatred.

Of course, if you have none of these issues, then there's no need for you to take the label anywhere.
Anonymous said…

Thank you for your answer. I am working on using my strengths. I now need to find a job that will work with me and my uniqueness. I think if they can see the benefit to my attention to detail, love of repetition and hard work I will be fine. A lot of places want all that and a social butterfly.
My wife is the one who first made the connection and has been nothing but wonderful in finding information to aid in this transition.
Thanks again.
Mary said…
Thank you everyone, especially Gavin of course, for this website and your comments. For the 1st time in many years the universe is starting to make sense :-) Just got to get to the point of my husband and adult sons recognizing and accepting their individual aspieness (think I invented a new word) and we can finally find some balance and peace in our lives. I love them for who they each are and the gifts they bring to our family and individual relationships.

For some reason I can't seem to access the Asperger quiz "problem loading page". Can anyone help?
Anonymous said…
I got 164. I haven't yet decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, I have answers to unexplained questions. On the other hand, I'm not sure how to go about these answers...
Anonymous said…
hahaha! 190 out of 200 for aspie, and 19 out 0f 200 for neurotypical
i am a female asperger, have had heavy(significant?) aspergers all my life. just want to know - am i the highest sccorer?
Anonymous said…
I got 130 out of 200, and they said I am very likely an aspie. I have never been diagnosed by a professional, but I have always had the symptoms ever since I was young. I stutter a lot,I have always been very 'awkward' in social situations, I withdrawl myself from people a lot of times, I have severe obsessions with certain topics, I have anxiety problems and I am prone to depression. But I'm happy I found this quiz...its good to at least know why I'm this way. And its also good to see so many other 'aspies' like me, who struggle with the same things that I do; sometimes it seems like I'm all alone in my struggles, but I was reading all the other comments, and it was just so comforting to see so many other aspies like me--so thanks to ALL of you guys--you really encouraged me a lot! :-)
Unknown said…
hey. i am really very thankful for such an informative and interesting quiz. it was really a pleasure solving it.

Capstone Simulation
Anonymous said…
where did you look to other scores to compare?
Anonymous said…
I almost got misdiagnosed as a child the reason being i also have severe borderline personality but growing up i used the two crappy hands dealt and turned them into the powerball jackpot the answers yes i do ramble occasionally ill take the test
Anonymous said…
This quiz was very helpful. In the past, i never understood why i seemed to be so different from everyone else, and why i didnt like to talk to people i didnt know...but i scored 151/200 for Aspie's, and 51/200 for NT, which definitely helps a lot. Ive taken other online quizzes, and they all say that i very likely have Aspergers...well, anyways, thank you OP for putting up the original link. Really gave me a more in depth analysis on whats going on...
Ill go now before I keep rambling on haha....
John said…
I scored 152/200.

My wife and I both took another Asperger's Quiz yesterday and I scored in the "Aspie" range and my wife scored in the Neurotypical range -- I believe these tests are reliable.
Anonymous said…
I felt like this was helpful. When I mentioned that I extremely dislike being touched, hugged, or kissed (in the context of familial affection) without permission, a psychologist that I was seeing at the time suggest that I might be mild Asperger's (yes, I know the traditional verb is "have"). I scored 119 out of 200 for Asperger's on this quiz, which I took after looking more into Asperger's. Knowing the symptoms are extraordinarily useful. For example, in driving, especially at night, I suffer from light sensitivity, issues with multitasking (and resultant anxiety), following directions/recognizing locations, etc. Knowing that I likely am Asperger's doesn't make any of that better, I just calls my attention to it. On that note, I have found some good information on helping me deal with driving (and some other issues). SO... thanks.
Richard said…
I scored 130 aspie/ 80 NT

I am glad I am able to confirm unofficially my condition. I found out about 6 yrs ago. I am nearly 66. I spend most of my life beating myself up over not being like my siblings, a black sheep if you will. I am now happily in self acceptance after a life time of trying to act "normal", like an alien trying to pass as an earthling, haha

OYAN Alumni said…
Just came across this blog. My fiancee's mother, having a boy in their family with high-functioning autism, noticed my Aspergers traits when she first heard about my struggles with depression and loneliness, and brought it up a few months ago. After taking several tests, going over the diagnosis with a professional counselor (who thinks I probably have it), hanging out with my fiancee's autistic brother and finding that we communicate very similarly and have a lot of things in common, and reading everything I can find, I am pretty confident in saying I have Aspergers. It would explain every single quirk and struggle I've faced my whole life. On this test I scored 163/33, just one more piece of confirmation.

I'm doing okay, though, after fourteen months of really bad depression I finally found a natural supplement called Amoryn for increasing serotonin levels, and I've felt significantly better after taking it for about a month. My fiancee and her family understand the condition and they're very supportive. I'm working on learning to enjoy the positive aspects of it and trying to find ways to compensate for the weaknesses. It's challenging and painful at times but it's possible. Thanks for the great resources...we're looking at some books for couples who have one NT and one AS, since my fiancee is definitely on the normal side of things.
OYAN Alumni said…
Oh, and as far as Aspie/NT relationships go, there seems to be a lot of negative stuff about them, but I've heard several stories of people who have wonderful relationships. I suspect my father may even have it mildly, and he and my mother are doing great. I think it really just depends--like any relationship--on understanding the personality of your partner and learning to communicate well. Even if it's challenging, I think it's worth it.
Anonymous said…
Tommy I. (16 years old)

I got 106/95. I have lots of trouble socializing, so I expected a higher Aspie score. Maybe it's because I find it difficult to engage in conversation, but when it works out, I actually like socializing. Maybe.

I've had three actual friends, approximately (there's some "partial friend" too. One of my actual friendships and all of my partial friendships were barely made during my final year[out of 9] at that school before I moved) and I concentrate more on te people I like/know and avoid people I don't like/know.

I thought I would be a clear Aspie. If I could only fix what problems I TRUELY have, that would be awesome. If someone has advice, I'd like to here it.
Anonymous said…
Scored 38 (AS) and 175 (NT)
Anonymous said…
Interesting. I'm an older adult who thought he might be an "Aspie" after reading about it. Aspergers is a syndrome I never heard of when younger, though I could certainly relate to some of the difficulties described when I first read of it. This test says I have both Aspie AND neurotypical traits (114/113). So does that make me a "normal Aspie" or what? Or perhaps I'm a "bineural" (seems like a logical term if people who have both hetero and homosexual traits are "bisexual").
Autumn said…
Your Aspie score: 184 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 32 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

My husband has Asperger's. When I learned that I started studying it so that I could better understand him. As I studied the symptoms and characteristics of Aspies though I kept having "I do that!" moments.

Taking this quiz and learning my results (posted at the top of this comment) has helped me so much. I already have a therapy appointment for next week (I also have adult ADD, professionally diagnosed) and now I can't wait to ask for more testing to see if I really do have Asperger's (I refuse to say I've been diagnosed because of online quiz results.)

As for the one Anonymous person who was unhappy that people are proud of having Asperger's I say get over it. Fuck yes I will wear it as a badge. I happen to like who I am, quirks and all. I don't care if other people don't understand me, or can't follow along with my line of thinking as easily, I prefer to hang out with books and computers over people anyway.

YOU might not like your diagnosis, but don't bother telling anyone else that they shouldn't like theirs as well. After all, Aspies prefer to do and learn things for themselves and do not enjoy being told how things should be done :P
Anonymous said…
My score 159/56 - tried this on behalf of son who was wondering about the need for a formal diagnosis. Bit shocked really as I am 55 and thought I was "normal". I guess I surrounded myself with people like me - I suppose my whole family (wife and 4 kids) are Aspie too.
Anonymous said…
Thanks goodness for this quiz (and another). Whether some of the questions are pointless or not, I answered all of the them honestly and came out with a bad score. I also did another quiz and got pretty much the same result.

To find an explanation for many personal traits was, although concerning, a relief. Having been cursed since childhood with mentally seizing up in stressful learning situations, getting confused and angry at social gatherings, finding it extremely difficult to make and keep friends, preferring repetitive work and jumping out of my skin at the slightest noise I believe I can finally give a name to the beast.

If I have any problem with the results it's where do I take it from here? Working for a government department and being put in situations that cause conflict with what I consider to be my Asperger's on an almost daily basis I now find myself worrying about what to do next. Without a formal diagnosis my employer cannot make the necessary adjustments but I also fear going to a professional and being labelled as a problem or a hypochondriac.

Where I go from here is something I find myself currently at a loss to determine.
TW43 said…
I have been looking into aspergers as a cause for all my problems and considering going to the doctors. did this test got 192 aspie score and nt score of 16.... now im worried. im 20.
I've taken this test and I got a 153 out of 200 score for Aspie and 56 for the neurotypical. I've been worried for a while about this, and I've talked about it to my parents; they said that they didn't want for me to get diagnosed because it could affect my future. Any advice?
Anonymous said…
Hi there, I'm 101 and 107... looking at the spider graph - when you look at my social traits and special interest/talent I'm Aspie; everything else I'm extremely neurotypical. So I have the good with the bad I guess. For Poe - who was trying to come up with a field of work earlier (and any others)... my 'special talents' are in pay per click marketing and excel and analytics... these are fascinating areas (to me anyway!) and also need less social skills than many other areas. Aspie skills & jobs seem often to be more numbers or tech or analysis based and less people and politics focused. It would be interesting to hear what others with talents have found to do career wise. Thanks :)
By the way - i think it is funny that after filling out this form we have to put the two words in... according to the instructions to "Prove you're not a robot". (Sometimes I feel like the aspie traits I have ARE very robotic! ... in a good way of course!)
Margaret Spears said…
I came up 154 AS and 68 NT. This seems to fit pretty well with my suspicions.... but now that Aspergers doesn't 'exist' what do I do with the information?? I have been suspicious of this for years... So thankful for the thoroughness of his test and for the great comments. Thank you.
Little One said…
I'm an even Steven. 101 Aspie, 101 NT. The Aspie part of me likes that it's a nice even number! :)
Anonymous said…
I received 185/32 on the quiz. I've taken it probably 5 times in the past year. I even took my daughter whom I believed is Aspie to a professional. At the end of the meeting, I asked him whether or not he believed we should get a diagnosis. He smirked and said, "For her or YOU?" Hm, I suppose it's noticeable when I thought it wasn't. I'm nearly 32 years old, married, three children. Two of which are Aspies. I believe understanding what we are is CRUCIAL. Because before, my husband would get so irritated with me, thinking I had some disorder, such as anxiety or something of that nature. He said people thought I was a stone faced snob and I needed to smile and talk. He also assumed I was lazy and depressed and couldn't snap out of it when it came to studying roots of all religion and the origin of the universe. Now that we have a fuller grasp on the truth of the matter, our marriage has flourished. Not that we had issues before per say, but now he's very supportive and even encourages me to explain the Asperger's thing to others when I see that it needs to be mentioned. The professional I went to said that from his observation, I do have Asperger's but advised to not get a diagnosis on paper. That it's really only important for children, so they can receive specialized services.
Anonymous said…
I scored 41/ 200 for Aspie and 160 / 200 for NT. I was diagnosed with Aspie at 5, and I my doctor told me that it doesn't seem like I have it, and that I may have been misdiagnosed. That's why I took this test. Well who cares, I get free money.
Anonymous said…
199 for Aspie and 23 for NT. I am not diagnosed but I suspect.
Anonymous said…
Scored 133(AS) and 90(NT) I can function in life, but struggle mightily to connect with others. Very little friends, and people typically avoid me.'s enlightening to hear i'm not the only one though. Or do you guys struggle with relating and connecting with others too? I look at others interact and socialize and i'm like "how the heck are you guys doing that?" sad, but i will never give up in overcoming this or accepting this...whatever i have to do. Good luck to you all
I scored a 156/200, and I printed out my results to share with my mother. I recently went to a therapist who said I could just self-diagnose myself, and I plan to use this as a way to talk to my mom about it. She's always saying, "Oh, you're not like that .You just barely started acting like that. I'm pretty sure that if I had taken this quiz only 10 years earlier, my score would have been a lot higher. I have taught myself how to deal with certain asperger's traits that were simply seen by my mother as me being ridiculous. I love this blog, and I have been exploring it a lot since I found it. I plan to read a little bit of it each day.
Anonymous said…
I got 136/200 for aspie and 86/200 for non-aspie. I talked with my mom who told me she had to force me into learning things like morality, diplomacy, dexterity which i am still not good at (she even has to teach me how to be right handed because i wouldn't decide). She fought to give me a normal life.

I'm horrible with everything social, and being introvert surely doesn't help. I have major issues verbalizing my thoughts and feelings. There's many fabrics and textures that i don't feel comfortable touching, i love reading, stress is a big issue since my childhood, i was taking meditation with my psycho-educator to reduce my shaking and small tocs. i feel better alone at my house, i need to do things on my own to learn. i can get easily upset, very sensible, empathic (even tho latest studies say aspies are empathic while old studies say they are not empathic), i'm shy and dont talk often but when i do about something i like, i could talk for hours.

I did other tests online and when 32 is the minimum for aspie diagnostic, i get 33.. so if i'm not aspie, i am borderline aspie.
Anonymous said…
Aspire score 161, NT 69
Helps explains my love of graphing linear equations and my Venn diagrams- and my daughter saying, "Mom! You shouldn't say that."
Anonymous said…

My Aspie score is just high enough to make life difficult, but low enough that life shouldn't be as difficult as it is...
Unknown said…
I'm not sure that my score is accurate. I scored 75 for Asperger's & 129 for NT. They said I was NT. I have been diagnosed twice before with Asperger's. Once in Spring 2000 and in August 2004.
Anonymous said…
My score was a 133 of 200 for Asperger's and 93 of 200 (NT), I'm not sure what this means. I've always been odd, weird, or a misfit, but an Aspie??
Tex said…
(Aspie) score: 138 of 200
(non-autistic) score: 58 of 200

My Aspie talent is through the roof. I don't know what that means, but there it is. I have one focus that one day might play into my career assuming I choose that path along with my wife.

The one thing about being married and finding out you are an Aspie after your eldest getting diagnosed is that it is quite humbling and jarring all at the same time. I have had very little self awareness up until last November when we got diagnoses (my son and me), and the past ten months has been very challenging.

The one good thing about having a diagnosis is knowing my own strengths and weaknesses, which I never really acknowledged before because I could care less about what others thought about me, so I never cared what I thought about me. The latter was an error, which has forced me to try and learn things that I should have learned as a child.

We'll keep trying to communicate better to my wife, as she suffers the most for it. I'll at least love her to the end and die trying to please her, which is what all marriages are about in the end.

Thanks for your blog, Gavin. I e-mailed you a while back, but have just now returned to give it a proper go. As a father and husband and an Aspie, I thank you deeply for your service here. Blessings.
Anonymous said…
Here are some things said about my test results "Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 138 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 72 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)"

It also said I may have OCD. If you got around my score you are probably an Aspie. Sadly I haven't been diagnosed. I am a girl so I think sometimes this affects the score.

mobius said…
Ack! Oh the eye contact, too.

That always bothered me, they make such a big deal about it.

The only time it's not a problem is when I'm angry. After that no one minds the lack of eye contact.

Oh boy. I'm learning more about myself than I might want to know.
Anonymous isn't the highest scorer. I've gotten anywhere from 189 - 196 consistently over last three years. I'm 60, a female, with two grown sons. Just got formal diagnosis a year or so ago. Without any prior clue. One of my sons is autistic.
Anonymous said…
My 18 year old scored 96 (NDiverse)/145 (NT), which is likely neurotypical, BUT we noticed that his talent spikes very high in the neurodiverse side (on the spider web it's peaked at the 8 line). I've been trying to do a little more research about that...does anyone have any insights for him/me? Thanking you kindly in advance for any thoughts you would like to share.
Anonymous said…
I was diagnosed as a child with ADHD and Aspergers, and again as a teenager with ADHD and HFA. However I've repeatedly scored in the low 20s on Cohen's AQ test. On this test I received 135 (for NT) and 66 (for aspie).
However, on EQ tests I have scored well below the threshold for aspergers (i know from my personal life this is certainly true)

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