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Colour Changes

Just as a side note, I've received a lot of complaints about my white text on a black background - so I changed to black text on a white background - and got a complaint about that on the first day.

I'm not particularly excited about the black text on parchment look but I'm hoping it's a happy medium. Sorry about all the changes.


Stat Mama said…
LOL trying to please the sensory-defensive masses ;) The black on parchment is gentle. There are a variety of more interesting blog backgrounds available on the net, since Blogger doesn't offer a fantastic variety, should you be interested.
Anonymous said…
A lot of people have trouble with the high-contrast black+white, no matter the combination. I think this is a good compromise, but I've also seen white on a dark grey or black on a light grey as alternatives that are easier on the eyes, if you really don't like the parchment color yourself.
-- keri
Khelben said…
Why please others with your own blog? Do it for yourself, listen to what others think and then continue on what you yourself want.
Gavin Bollard said…
I'm not trying to please people. IMHO, the black was the most stylish and simple, hence my choice.

I am however trying to keep a reasonable degree of readability. Since the complaints were about it being "difficult to read" rather than "don't like it", I decided to try a change.

I know that the standard blogger templates aren't pretty but I'm not trying to win awards here. Ideally people come here for content rather than style.
Anonymous said…
I found two add-ons "zap colors" and "zap white backrounds" to help me with this. One changes any page to black on white and the other to black text on a neutral color.
Anonymous said…
I never complained but thanks much for the new look! White on black hurt my eyes and I always saw a venetian blinds after-image for a few minutes after reading a post.
Khelben said…
I'm one of those which liked the old look with black and white. So I'm not complaining here, just expressing my opinion. :)
Drew said…
I wasn't all that keen on the white(text)-on-black, but I got around it by reading it in Google Reader instead, where everything is black-on-white.

You can even fool around with a very slight, black-on-lightgrey or blue-on-grey or something different.
Anonymous said…
I like the way it is now! Thanx for changing the background color...Sorry about that complaint xD
midwestcoast said…
I knew that I was going to be reading your blog, because I clicked a link from google reader to get here. I started reading though and forgot which author's blog I was reading, because of the color change. It gives it a totally different mood! I didn't recognize the blog until I saw the post about color change.
Anonymous said…
Wooooww... prepare me for this one. I thought another one had taken over your blog or something like that!

Well... I liked the old one better, but then again, It's alot easier to read now.

I was just wondering, can't you just use a pick-a-color, so that the user decides the colors?
Anonymous said…
My Aspie son finds the old format easier on the eye and I, his Neurotypical mum, like the new format. Your posts r always just what we need to hear; very encouraging and help us to know we r on the right track.
the acro said…
lol, we are peobably the pickiest people on earth

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